In my ripe old age of 30-something.... there is nothing that can provoke a faster reaction from me than to hear the words, "Mom!" screamed at the top of someones lungs. Most of the time, I jump up immediately and do a level of danger assessment and then triage bumps, bruises, bloody noses, swings or become the general referee or judge in the may lay.
All your life you are told that children are a blessing. Psalms 127:3 says it this way..."Behold, children are a heritage from the
Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. .." Now there are times in my life when I would stand up and hotly debate my children being a blessing. But, occasionally God reminds me that while being an adult has its
privilege's (that he has so graciously bestowed on me); he reserves the right to change that, or remind us of our shortcomings, when we as adults forget or ignore our responsibilities. Now, I don't know about you, but lots of times he uses my children to remind me...Oh Ouch!
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.-Matthew 18:1-3
Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
(Luke 18:15-17
And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?” (Matthew 21:15-16
Case in point, I hear my sons singing songs off the Christian radio while they play (when they are in the car, that is all we listen to when I drive)...However, I just drove back from the store, by myself, and just stepped out of the car listening to PINK. So what am I singing? Yep! You guessed it....PINK! "Mom, is that a Christian song? It doesn't sound like it..." Oh Ouch!
I tease my sons about something or some situation that I have just made up. When I reveal the truth of the situation, they ask me,"Mommy, wouldn't that technically be a lie?" Oh ouch!
Recently we had an issue with family. To save a long story; lets just say it did not end on the best note. As a result, we haven't visited with them in awhile. The boys came to us, collectively after they had discussed it at length amongst themselves (mind you the oldest is only 11) and said. "Dad you should call them. Someone has to be an adult and take the high road. Besides, doesn't God say that you should forgive someone like a bazillion times in the Bible?" Oh another Ouch! Out of the mouth of babes...
So many times, God used children to further his kingdom and guide his people long after all the adults went astray! Josiah was 8 years old when God made him the king over Israel. He reigned 31 years! Then there was
Joash at 7. God put him on the throne of Israel and he ruled the kingdom for 40 years in 852 B.C. God chose Kind David to rule when he was a child. All of these children grew into manhood and furthered God's work in the lives of his people....long before they officially becoming an adult. (Not sure when you really officially become and adult...still trying to figure this one out...) And they lived under the same curse of sin I do...so they couldn't have been perfect...
Fast forward 2000+ years and here I sit. My sons are all around those ages. If God put them in charge of our family or our nation...I would think we could be in big trouble! I don't see the Godliness in them that you see in those children that ruled their nation so long ago. (I question whether this is my fault....most certainly I have contributed negatively some how.) But I also realize that God raised those children up to serve him.....they were a small, minute fraction of the many that he could have chosen. (I have often wondered what their mothers thought.)
This all brings to me the awesome responsibility and the blessing (yep...that's what I said...) that God has given me in my 3 sons. A responsibility that is at times so overwhelming in this life that all I can do is pray and wring my hands. I pray for them during the day, pray with them and over them every night before they go to bed. What do I pray? That God would hide his word in the hearts; that they would become men of God and chase after him all of their lives; that they can resist the temptation to enjoy the things of this world and choose the long hard road instead of the easier one....
I took these pics on the boy's first ski trip this year. Notice the 2 younger ones I didn't trust so much...they are wearing helmets for their own safety and mine. (Thank you Lord for good medical insurance!) We had so much fun together that day and they were such a blessing. As we sat on the chair lifts and the boys chattered excitedly about which "jump" we were going to try next (while I was thinking...yes Dawn..put on your big girl panties and try the jump too...they will expect it...) it occurred to me that God really could not have blessed me more greatly in this life full of troubles than at this exact moment...the gift was priceless to me. If I could've gotten off that chairlift, I would have kneeled in the snow right then. I said, "Lord are you listening? Did you ever think about trying skiing while you were here? I know you were so busy. But it's so much fun. (I ramble when I visit with God. I am so glad he puts up with it...) Seriously Lord, I wanted to thank for for this moment in time that you have given me with my sons. For these few minutes, my life could not be any more perfect or more blessed... My brain is on record right now and I will never ever forget this moment. I owe you Lord..not only my life....but my son's lives...they are yours...thank you for sharing them with me for just a little awhile....I will love you for it always...
My kids snapped me back out of my prayer just in time. "Mom! Put your ski tips up! It's time to get off...hurry!" We got off the chair lift and skied down around the corner for an equipment check and glove adjustment. I smiled.
"Mom, what's so funny?", the middle one says to me.
"Oh nothing, just glad God gave you guys to me."
"You feeling ok? We gotta get going. We are guna try the backwards rodeo this time! Let's go!" For those of you who don't know what a backwards rodeo is...its when coming off of a jump, you turn your back down the hill, flipping 540 and landing fakie or rotating a total of 720 and landing regular. (I know...don't you just wanna say huh/what at the end of all that?)
"OK," I yelled as they were already skiing off. "I am just going straight off the jump and catch some air...you guys do the rodeo thingy and I will watch at the bottom..." And away we all went...me praying that they would make it through the backwards rodeo with no broken bones or serious injuries that would require medical attention more than what I could provide....thank you Lord...for my sons...they are such blessing...their voices yelling and laughing as we went on down the mountain truly were the sweetest sound I have ever heard.....