I listen to my grandmother tell stories about World War I & II. She talks about the Great Depression when she was little and the Cold War and the threat of Nuclear War. She talked about that attitudes people had; like what a man did with his family was his business. How women got a little bit of freedom and birth control and went out to work. And people began saving their money for a rainy day. She started out in the days of no indoor plumbing or electricity, raising your own garden for survival to make it through the winter, and horses really did do the work; to fast cars and a man on the moon.
Years later I listened to my mom talk about the Vietnam War, Watergate, various assassinations of prominent leaders and Woodstock and the whole "make love, not war; if it feels good do it" attitude. How divorce and materialism became fashionable, and everyone could buy a house. The American dream was in full effect. And everyone could almost afford it......and if they couldn't, there was credit.
Fast forward to the Roaring 2000's...or should I say to today. Our country is headed for a big train wreck and it is so scary to watch! I have watched my mother's generation (yes you! the baby boomers!) saddle me and my children and grandchildren's generation with trillions of $$ worth of debt. It is unconscionable to me that the baby boomers could even consider doing this!! No fiscal responsibility exists within the government or even big business today. I am appalled that I watch the socialization of debt, and the privatization of wealth to our upper class citizens. That people could think that it would be OK to spend peoples pensions and social security and give them IOU's that they will never be able to repay instead.
In the meantime, I have been fiscally responsible with MY money even though government and businesses haven't been. Even before the age of 40, I am already taking care of my father (he now lives with us after my mother died), my grandparent's when they call and need help, saving for my children's college funds, putting a little away in savings for emergencies (not much mind you), trying to save for my own retirement (ha ha ha ha...never happen...) and taking care of the general basics in life. I can tell you that we drive at least 10 year old vehicles, have no credit card, student loan, or "toys" debt. We own one home in another town that we rent out and it pays for itself....We essentially have NO debt in this world compared to most and live very very frugally. (My children complain about it all the time! The live like kings and don't even realize it!)
So my question is....if I am held accountable for how I run my money(and I am...just ask the bank and the county attorney) AND I have been fiscally responsible....why doesn't government and big business have to be? If I have to suffer a little and go without because I don't have the money, why doesn't the government and big business have to do the same? Who made the rules different for them? When are we going to hold ourselves accountable for the messes that we have made and work on fixing stuff and cleaning it up? In the interests of our own survival and the survival of our country...this would seem prudent...
Just goes to show ya...when politicians are holding your babies...they are stealing their lollipops....Whats that I hear? *silence abounds*
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