Anyone watch the old Annie movie with Carol Burnett? (I always loved Caroll Burnett..) I used to think that girl had it so rough....being the ripe old age of 37 and looking back on it all....she didn't know what rough was....kids are so flexible and they can grab hope and hang on...see the good in life...long after an adult has given up....why do we lose that as we get older?
My friend Sue has always "encouraged" me to journal...which is weird because she won't journal but thinks people should...and we always poked and prodded each other about it and never really did anything with it...Journaling has come up now again for me in a BIG BIG way...And so my story starts....at the beginning where all good stories start...or actually somewhere in the middle I think....It starts out of a deep need for an understanding of this life and why things happen the way they do....and always the persuit of the questions that remain unanswered....
My mother died at the beginning of this year from Acute Myloid Leukemia. I watched her suffocate to death from pheunmonia in her hospital bed in Helena, Montana on a cold (-30) Thursday morning on January 7th. She had just turned 58. From the time of her diagnosis til her death....6 days....I got 6 days with my mom and that was it...By the time we got her to the hospital...she was already too sick to care much about anything...we all had 1 good night with her..from that point on every minute was a fight to the death...with death... for her life....
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