Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hair.  Such a minor thing in the big circle of life.  But is it really?  I am not your typical woman, I personally can take it or leave it.  It covers up nicely with a hat most days....I occasionally pay attention to it; like when I get ready for church or sometimes work.  I makes me mad when I am riding my motorcycle and it tangles in my earrings...aarrgh!  Otherwise, shave it off.  It is in the way!!  But everyone notices your hair.  You wash it, wet it, dry it, gel it, mousse it, primp it, color it, curl it and glue it!  Besides your face it’s the first thing people see when they look at you...and if it isn't jjjjuuuuuusssstttt right, it ruins your whole day!

Imagine my surprise when my sons came home with colored gel and wanted to wear it to school!  “Okay, okay, you can wear it to school.” I say.  Hoping that it is a phase that will quickly wear out.  Nope, going on a week now, we’ve had red hair, blue hair and green hair.  It wasn’t just enough to color their hair, lets make it into a mohawk and add some bling to it too!  You know, somehow it just doesn’t seem right when your 7 year old runs up to you in the morning and says, “Mom, how do I look?”  Red hair, mohawk and some silver chain he found that weighs about 2 pounds around his neck.

While working on recovering from the shock of the whole thing;.  I said,  "You look pretty good!  Why do you wanna wear your hair like that?"  "Because it's cool mom!"  OK, cool meant something WAY different when I was little......hmmmmm...

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